rem Copyright (c) 1995-1997 Valery Fine ( rem CERNLIB command for Windows NT operating system rem 03/10/97 JINR/Dubna @echo off if not "%1"=="-v" goto skip shift @echo on :skip rem Check CERN environment variables setting if NOT "%CERN_LIBDIR%".=="". goto envOk rem Set default env variables first rem call CernEnv.bat :envOk rem rem Clear the previous installations rem if exist cernlib. del cernlib. set CERNLIB= if %1. == ?. goto help if %1. == . goto tail :next echo %1.lib >>cernlib set CERNLIB=%CERNLIB% %1.lib rem a little smarter nowadays if %1. == pawlib. goto paw if %1. == cd_lib. goto cdlib if %1. == cmz. goto cmz if %1. == dzdoc. goto dzdoc if %1. == graflib. goto graf if %1. == grafX11. goto grafg if %1. == geant321. goto geant321 goto shift :cdlib :cmz :dzdoc :geant321 :paw echo pawlib.lib >>cernlib echo lapack3md.lib >>cernlib echo blasmd.lib >>cernlib echo graflib.lib >>cernlib set CERNLIB=%CERNLIB% pawlib.lib lapack3md.lib blasmd.lib graflib.lib :graf echo grafX11.lib >>cernlib echo ix_higz.lib >>cernlib set CERNLIB=%CERNLIB% grafX11.lib ix_higz.lib :grafg rem echo packlib.lib >>cernlib :shift shift if %1. == . goto tail if %1. == mathlib. goto next echo. echo WARNING: You may point only one CERNLIB library name echo All related libraries will be attached by automatic. echo. goto next :tail rem standard tail for all kind if CERNLIB's echo packlib.lib >>cernlib echo shiftmd.lib >>cernlib set CERNLIB=%CERNLIB% packlib.lib rem echo %lib%\packlib.lib rem MS Visual C/C++ run-time libraries echo user32.lib >> cernlib echo kernel32.lib >> cernlib echo advapi32.lib >> cernlib echo oldnames.lib >> cernlib echo wsock32.lib >> cernlib echo ws2_32.lib >> cernlib set CERNLIB=%CERNLIB% wsock32.lib user32.lib kernel32.lib oldnames.lib rem echo. echo +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ echo ! CERNLIB file has been done ! echo ! to compile and build your modules follow like this: ! echo ! ! echo ! 1. fl32 your_program_name.f @cernlib - to build exe file ! echo ! 2. your_program_name - to run your task up ! echo +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ echo. goto end :help echo +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ echo ! cernib.bat generates an 'indirect' file with 'cernlib' name ! echo ! in the currect directory and environment variable CERNLIB. ! echo ! ! echo ! Attention: The name of this file is just 'cernlib' with NO extension ! echo ! --------- ! echo ! This file contains the list of the CERN and system libraries to ! echo ! build the CERNLIB-based application for Windows NT and Windows 95 ! echo ! properly ! echo ! ! echo ! Been created 'cernlib' may be pointed on the command line to build ! echo ! your code. ! echo ! ! echo ! So to make you own CERNLIB-based applicaiton go as follows: ! echo ! 1. Set Microsoft environment variables. (See FPSVARS.BAT in your ! echo ! MSDEV\BIN directory ) ! echo ! 2. Set the LIB environment variable: ! echo ! 2.1. Via SET DOS command: SET LIB = "path_to CERNLIB directory";^%LIB^% echo ! 2.2. or Edit FPSVARS.BAT file ! echo ! 2.3. or Via Control Panel (For Windows NT) ! echo ! 2.4. or Via Autoexec.bat file ! echo ! pause ! echo ! 3. Type ! echo ! cernlib {list of libraries} ! echo ! {list of_libraires} may contain: ! echo ! 3.1. Nothing to use just packlib only or list of the "name" via blank! echo ! 3.2. name of the CERNLIB library as seen in the directory ! echo ! (extension MUST be omited) ! echo ! 3.3 'geant321' to joint all libraries geant 3.21 based ! echo ! simulation needs ! echo ! 3.4 'graf' to allow packlib+graflib+grafX11 "unix" equivalent ! echo ! ! echo ! 4. fl32 your_program_name.f @cernlib - to build exe file ! echo ! 5. your_program_name - to run your task up ! echo ! ! echo ! 6. Complain by E-mail ! echo ! ! echo +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ :end