from __future__ import division, print_function import random import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #setting the random seed random.seed(1234) #defining the integrating function def f(x): return (np.sin(x)**4*np.cos(x/3)**2+np.sin(x/4)**6)*np.exp(-x/8)*1.4 #number of extraction nMax = 300 #domain of definition of the function xmin = 0. xmax = 13. #range of the function values ymin = 0. ymax = 1. #area of the rectangle used for the random points extraction A = (xmax-xmin)*(ymax-ymin) #initialization of variables and arrays for the output n = 0 N = 0 extractedX = [] extractedY = [] goodX = [] goodY = [] values = [] #loop for the extractions for i in range(0,nMax): #increasing the counter with total extractions performed N +=1 #extract a point in the range thisX = random.uniform(xmin,xmax) thisY = random.uniform(ymin,ymax) #add the point to the list with all the extracted points extractedX.append(thisX) extractedY.append(thisY) #check if the point is beyond the function if thisY < f(thisX): #if so increasing the counter with the number of points beyond the function n +=1 #and adding the point to the relative list goodX.append(thisX) goodY.append(thisY) #list with the extimation of the integral value as a function of the number of extraction values.append(n/N*A) print("n =",n) print("N =",N) print("n/N*A =",n/N*A) #making the plots w, h = plt.figaspect(1.) plt.figure(figsize=(w,h), dpi=160) plt.subplot(211) x1 = np.arange(xmin,xmax,0.01) plt.grid(True) plt.xlabel('x',labelpad=0.5) plt.ylabel('y',labelpad=0.5) plt.scatter(extractedX, extractedY) plt.scatter(goodX, goodY) plt.plot(x1, f(x1), 'r--') plt.subplot(212) plt.grid(True) plt.xlabel('n',labelpad=0.5) plt.ylabel(u'n/N*A',labelpad=0.5) plt.plot(range(0,nMax), values)