Enzo Pascale

La Sapienza Università di Roma

Send enquiries to enzo.pascale (at) uniroma1.it

Ph.D. research projects

Studying the Atmospheres of Exoplanets with the ARIEL space mission


The number of detected exoplanets is approaching 4 000 and the list will be extended to tens of thousands in the next years by dedicated space missions and ground instrumentation. Characterisation of the planetary physical conditions is now required to understand the true nature of these alien worlds along with their formation history. ARIEL is an ESA-led mission due to fly in 2028. ARIEL will perform transit spectroscopy of hundreds of exoplantes, from the visible to the mid-IR portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. Projects are available to students wishing to take this exciting research path.

Possible projects involve: Simulation of mission performance; Optimisation of science payload design; Development of data analysis techniques.

No previous knowledge of the field is required. Projects are available to graduate students in physics, astronomy and space engineering.

Tesi Magistrali

Sono disponibili progetti di Tesi per la laurea magistrale in astronomia e astrofisica. Gli argomenti disponibili spaziano studi di pianeti extrasolari e del nostro sistema solare. E' possibile consultrare la lista a questo link

Tesi Triennali e Laboratorio di Astrofisica

Projects are available on exoplanet spectroscopy and photometry.

Lecture notes on data analysis

A series of slides on data analysis topics can be found at this link .

This page is mantaied by Enzo Pascale

Last Updated: 30 November 2018