Tesi di laurea

Argomenti di tesi triennale: Neutrini, Materia Oscura, Rivelatori, analisi dei segnali.

Main topics for master theses:

  • Development of a new Dark Matter experiment based on the BULLKID prototype, (lab, data analysis and simulations).
  • Measurement of the coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering with the NUCLEUS experiment (lab, simulations, data analysis).

Contact me for info on the available theses and specific topis. Master theses can foresee travels and periods of stay in Italian or foreign labs.


Corso di Laboratorio di Sistemi e Segnali 2022/23

Gli studenti sono invitati a registrarsi su Moodle.

Neutrinos and Dark Matter 2022/2023

Students are invited to register on the Moodle page of the course.