I am physicist working
in La Sapienza University of Rome, in the field of astroparticle physics.
My research interests
concern non-thermal sources, that I study through high-energy
photons and neutrinos,
being the main
signature of the ongoing physical processes. In particular, I
enjoy investigating
the mechanisms of
particle acceleration and escape from extreme cosmic objects, in
order to unveil the origin of the
cosmic rays (observed
on Earth since 1912) through a multi-messenger perspective, that
relates the highest
energy particles
originated in cosmic sources to the neutrinos and photons that we
detect on Earth.
My main expertise
concerns the dynamics of evolution of supernova remnants and
gamma-ray bursts.
Research Projects
I am involved in the
astronomical searches of neutrino (ANTARES and KM3NeT) and
ground-based gamma-ray (CTA and HESS) telescopes.
For further
information, please visit the website of individual projects: