pause <- function() { cat ("\n >> press Enter to continue\n"); scan() } call.jags <- function(model, data, nr) { jm <- jags.model(model, data) update(jm, 100) chain <- coda.samples(jm, 'p', n.iter=nr) print(summary(chain)) chain.df <- as.mcmc(chain) ) return(chain.df$p) } library(rjags) model = "tmp_model.bug" # name of the model file ('temporary') write(" model { n ~ dbin(p, N) p ~ dbeta(r0,s0) } ", model) nr = 100000 N = 10; n = 3 r0 = s0 = 1 # flat prior # First call to JAGS data <- list(N=N, n=n, r0=r0, s0=s0) p <- call.jags(model, data, nr) pause() h <- hist(p, freq=FALSE, nc=100, col='cyan', xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,4)) p.m <- sum(h$mids*h$counts)/sum(h$counts) p.s <- sqrt(sum(h$mids^2*h$counts)/sum(h$counts) - p.m^2) cat(sprintf(">>> JAGS: %.4f +- %.4f\n", p.m, p.s)) pause() # overimpose the posterion got from a Beta conjugate curve(dbeta(x,r0+n,s0+(N-n)), col='blue', add=TRUE) pause() # Not-flat prior used to reshape the JAGS result curve(dbeta(x,r,s), col='magenta', add=TRUE) pause() # reweighing w <- dbeta(h$mids, r, s) f.p.w <- h$density*w f.p.w <- f.p.w/sum(f.p.w)/(h$mids[2]-h$mids[1]) points(h$mids, f.p.w, col='blue', ty='l', lwd=2) p.w.m <- sum(h$mids*f.p.w)/sum(f.p.w) p.w.s <- sqrt(sum(h$mids^2*f.p.w)/sum(f.p.w) - p.w.m^2) cat(sprintf(">>> Reweighed: %.4f +- %.4f\n\n", p.w.m, p.w.s)) pause() # second call to JAGS, with the new prior data <- list(N=N, n=n, r0=r, s0=s) p1 <- call.jags(model, data, nr) h1 <- hist(p1, nc=100, plot=FALSE) points(h1$mids, h1$density, col='red', ty='l', lwd=1.5) p1.m <- sum(h1$mids*h1$counts)/sum(h1$counts) p1.s <- sqrt(sum(h1$mids^2*h1$counts)/sum(h1$counts) - p1.m^2) cat(sprintf(">>> JAGS(%d,%d): %.4f +- %.4f\n", r,s, p1.m, p1.s)) pause() # New Beta obtained by the well known updating rule curve(dbeta(x,r+n,s+(N-n)), col='green', add=TRUE)