Second referee (received 31 January 2000) ================================================================== Report of the 2nd referee The paper presents a Bayesian analysis of experimental data with particular application to the recent results on \epsilon\prime/\epsilon. In cases where several results that appear not to be in good agreement need to be combined to obtain an estimated mean and PDF, a number of issues come up. These include, are the errors correctly estimated, are the measurements truly taken from the same parent distribution, and are there unknown systematic effects that would lead to a result being properly rejected or revised? The author's choice is to modify the uncertainties from the Gaussian assumption given by the experimentalists to an unsymmetrical distribution with 2 selectable parameters. The result for the combined data aligns with his expectations as a sceptical experienced physicist. This is a somewhat idiosyncratic procedure. Whether the experimentalists would concur is unclear. The paper is filled with generalizations that seem hard to document. For example, the Bayesian approach is characterized as one that appeals to the intuition of most physicists, but certainly not to many that this reviewer knows. The use of Bayesian methods has come to the fore as an approach to handling results from experiments in which there are physically excluded regions for the parameter being measured. Most physicists are actually quite uncomfortable with the concept of a prior other than zero. Instead, it is easier to address the occurrence of unlikely-looking distributions in two steps. First, if this is indeed a statistical fluctuation, what is the best estimate for the true value and for the width of the distribution? Second, what is the probability of obtaining the measured values given the estimated widths provided by the experimenters? When the latter probability is low, sceptical experienced physicists usually note that fact in the form of a reservation about the consensus result. The addition of extra arbitrary parameters is not very helpful or useful. These separate things (and the author's derivation too) do not actually require appeal to Bayesian methods, although the mathematics are simplified thereby at the cost of much generality. The response of the author to the matters raised by the previous referee is disappointing. In no case does he offer a constructive or quantitative answer, but instead simply charges the referee with "bias" and "prejudice". Particularly disappointing is the response to the question, what is the motivation for the choice of distribution (the gamma function). The author simply says it is clearly described in the paper. This referee too searched in vain for this description, so it is not clearly described. The paper contains nothing that will illuminate the long-standing problem of handling discrepant results, and contains furthermore a number of unsupported and misleading generalizations that have negative pedagogical value. Publication is not warranted. ================================================================