More on the probability that a vaccinated person gets shielded from the virus – a Monte Carlo approach

Section [*] has been devoted to explain the reason why the proper number to be reported as `efficacy', meant as the probability that a vaccinated person is shielded from the virus, is the mean of the pdf of the model parameter $\epsilon$. Having talked in this section about predicting the number of infects, we can use the same extended model of Fig. [*] in order to check the outcome of that reasoning. It is in fact enough to set $n'_V=1$ and $p'_A=1$ and analyze the result of the MCMC. Indeed, $n'_{V_A}$ will be identically 1, in the sense that the person will be `assaulted' with certainty, but the output $n'_{V_I}$ can have now only two possible values, 0 (person not infected) or 1 (person infected). If $\epsilon$ were exactly known, and let us indicate it by $\epsilon_K$, the probability of $n'_{V_I}=0$ would be $\epsilon_K$ and that of $n'_{V_I}=1$ would be $1-\epsilon_K$. A simple direct Monte Carlo would then produce a fraction of occurrences of $n'_{V_I}=0$ around $\epsilon$. If, instead, $\epsilon$ is unknown, then the values used in the bottom-left side of the network will be those occurring in the MCMC chain. Therefore, we reobtain the same result seen in Sec.[*], i.e. that the relative frequency of the occurrence of $n'_{V_I}=0$ will be equal to the mean of $\epsilon$ in the chain.

This MCMC strategy offers a further argument, to which some practitioners might be more reactive, in support of the thesis that the number to be reported as `efficacy' should be the average of the probability distribution of $\epsilon$, rather than other possible summaries of the distribution.