Introduzione alla fisica dei sistemi biologici - Programma
1. The physics behind Photo 51
- Photo 51
- Basics of X-ray diffraction
- Diffraction from a double helix
2. Life building blocks
- Proteins
- From genes to proteins
Random walks and diffusion
3. Langevin equation
- Microscopic equilibrium
- Random walks
- Langevin equation
4. Diffusion equation
- Free Brownian particle
- Diffusion current
- Examples (1D step, diffusion limited respiration)
- Diffusion to a perfect absorber of generic shape
5. Smoluchowsky equation
- Smoluchowsky equation
- Boltzmann distribution
6. Kramers escape rate
Molecular motors
7. Translational motors
- Kinesin, dynein, myosin
- 1-state model
- Thermodynamic uncertainty relations
- Motor speed as a function of load and fuel
- 2 state model
8. Rotary motors
- The bacterial flagellar motor
- ATP synthase
9. Deflection of beams
- Stress and strain
- Shear forces and bending moments
- Beam deformation
10. Weakly deflected beams
- Euler-Bernoulli equation
- Deflection of cantilevers
- Bending of biological filaments
11. Fluctuating elastic filaments
- Elastic energy of a deformed beam
- Thermal fluctuations
- Persistence lengths of biological filaments
12. Buckling
- Euler buckling
- Buckling of spaghetti
- Buckling of microtubules
13. Entropic elasticity
- Thermodynamics of a polymer
- Force extension curve of single molecules
- Overstretching DNA
- Rubber bands
14. DNA packaging
- Viral DNA packaging
- Bending energy
- Measuring internal force
- Thermodynamics of viral packaging
Fluid flows
15. Viscous flows
- Mass conservation
- Viscosity
- Shear rate and shear stress
- Navier-Stokes equation
- Poiseuille's law
16. Life at low Reynolds numbers
- Reynolds number
- Scallop theorem
- Viscous drag on spheres
17. Hydrodynamics of cilia and flagella
- Undulating flagellum
- Rotating helical flagellum
- Modes of wave propagation
- Ciliary pumping
Electrostatic and optics
18. Electrostatics in salty solutions
- Poisson-Boltzmann equation
- Debye length
- Charged wall
- Charged sphere
19. Electrophoresis
- Colloids in electric fields
- DNA electrophoresis
- Sanger sequencing
20. The discovery of a microcosmos
- Looking through a magnifying glass
- Ball lens optics
- A brief history of microscopy
21. Optical tweezers
- Light's momentum
- Geometrical optics of trap forces
- Optical trapping for single cell/single molecule biology
22. Deterministic evolution
- Darwinian evolution
- Reproduction
- Selection
- Mutation
23. Stochastic evolution
- Moran model
- Neutral drift
- Random drift with constant selection
- Fixation probability
- Molecular clocks