Geant4 at Roma Tre
Workshop on Geant4 at Roma Tre, Department of Matematic and Physic
Wednesday 13th and Friday 15th June 2018, Aula 57 16:00 - 18:00
Useful links
- Third Geant4 International User Conference
- Geant4 web page
- Reference Physics Lists
- Physics lists use cases
- A course on Geant4
- Geant4 doxygen
- Virtual Machine with Geant4 installed
- An integral with MC
- Estimation of π with MC
- Geant4 example (modified version of examples/extended/analysis/AnaEx01)
- C++ example (inheritance and polymorphism)
How to download, compile and run the Geant4 example
Once you have installed Geant4, in a working dir you can download and compile the source code:
git clone
mkdir anaEx01build
cd anaEx01build
cmake -DGeant4_DIR=G4INSTALLDIR ../AnaEx01
Using the farm at Roma Tre
On the CentOS7 machine
you can find all the software in the directory:
to add the executables to your path and sett all the environmental variables:
source /storage/DATA-05/gridrm3/Geant4/soft/
More information about the cluster
Suggestions on how to install Geant4
tar -xvzf geant4.10.04.p02.tar.gz
this will create geant4.10.04.p02/
mkdir geant4.10.04.p02-build
mkdir geant4.10.04.p02-install
mkdir geant4-data
cd geant4.10.04.p02-build
make -j `nproc`
make install
Add to your .bashrc (~/.bash_profile on a Mac):
export G4DIR=~/geant4.10.04.p02-install
. $G4DIR/bin/
alias g4make='cmake -DGeant4_DIR=$G4DIR'
Prerequisites and suggested packages to compile Geant4 on Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential git cmake qt4-default
qt4-dev-tools libxerces-c-dev
Prerequisites and suggested packages to compile Geant4 on CentOS7:
sudo yum update
sudo yum groupinstall “Development Tools”
sudo yum install xerces-c xerces-c-devel
sudo yum install centos-release-scl-rh
sudo yum install qt qt-x11 qt-devel
sudo yum install emacs
sudo yum install python27 python27-pyhton-pip python27-pyhton-tools python27-numpy
Add to your ~/.barshrc the line:
. /opt/rh/python27/enable
Suggestions on how to compile CMake on CentOS7
The CMake version available in the CentOS7 repositories is too old to work with Geant4 and ROOT, to install the last stable version:
tar -xvzf cmake-3.11.3.tar.gz
cd cmake-3.11.3/
./bootstrap && gmake
Add to ~/.bashrc the line:
export PATH=/home/soft/cmake-3.11.3/bin:$PATH
Prerequisites to compile Geant4 on MacOS:
Install XCode ( and type in a terminal:
xcode-select —install
install XQuartz (
install brew ( and the required libraries:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew doctor
brew update
brew install cmake xerces-c wget
As some students had problems in installing the Qt from the official brew repository, I prepared a brew receipe to install it.
To use it:
brew install carlomt/repo/qt@4
Suggestions on how to compile ROOT
tar -xvzf root_v6.12.06.source.tar.gz
mkdir root-6.12.06-build
mkdir root-6.12.06-install
cd root-6.12.06-build/
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="../root-6.12.06-install" -Dgdml="ON" -Dgeocad="ON" -Dlibcxx="ON" -Dmathmore="ON" -Dminuit2="ON" -Dpython="ON" -Droofit="ON" -Dtmva="ON" ../root-6.12.06
make -j `nproc`
make install
Server Time
- Fri 28 February 2025
- 02:57:59
- Timezone: Europe/Rome