Data characterisation algorithms allowed the extraction of large amount of quantitative features from medical images. This practice has grown so much in the last decade that it gave birth to a new field in medical studies: Radiomics.
This field has a multi-disciplinary nature and requires the interaction between medical doctors and data scientists.
To have an effective interaction with medical personnel and to check the outcomes of the analysis and filters a program with a Graphical User Interface (GUI) is needed.

A screenshot of the GUI.

We developed a software that allows such an interaction, completely open source and developed in python. It is possible to visualise images, apply filters, perform automatic segmentation and compute several texture parameters, of both the first and second order. All the functions are available via the GUI, developed with the Qt libraries and compatible with Qt4 and Qt5. The GUI shows to the user the medical image once imported as a numpy array tensor with 3 indices, allowing medical personnel to verify the correctness of the image importation process. Moreover, the GUI allows the user without coding skills to use all the functions, with an immediate visual feedback. The lightness of the GUI allows an agile use of the software remotely, via an SSH connection.
It is also possible to open an interactive python shell that have access to all the memory of the GUI instance and the functions of the package and can interact with the GUI.

The package is interfaced with the most powerful libraries for images and medical images analysis, ensuring the opportune conversions of data types.

python package
GitHub repository