International sChool On Nonlinear vibrational Spectro-microscopy


ICONS 2020

We are pleased to announce that ICORS satellite event, the International sChool On Nonlinear vibrational Spectro-microscopy (ICONS) is confirmed and it will move online, taking place in the form of web-meeting from July 30th to August 1st 2020.

ICONS will be structured around comprehensive review talks from world leading experts in complementary areas of nonlinear Raman spectroscopy both on theory, experiments and applications.

Specifically, the school will be three days of classes, with an introduction on the peculiarities of nonlinear Raman approaches with respect to linear Raman spectroscopy, discussing the technical requirements and the main tools that are conventionally exploited in modern experimental laboratories to manipulate and control optical pulses. The following two days will be focused on time-resolved and microscopic techniques, with principles and examples. The program, supported by world leading experts in the field of Raman nonlinear photonics, aims to have a balance between theoretical and experimental advances. Emphasis will be given to interdisciplinary aspects with other fields of research as well as to possible applications.

The aim of the school is to provide high level-expertise for young researchers and students interested in nonlinear Raman spectroscopy, applied to access dynamical and microscopic properties at the molecular and condensed matter levels. ICONS meeting will also represent a great opportunity for maintaining continuous scientific exchanges within the ICORS community until the next summer edition.


ICONS meeting is intented as an advanced school, but for the youngest generation of Raman spectroscopists it will also represent a great opportunity for plunging into the ICORS atmosphere waiting for the 20/21 edition.
The following video is the welcoming to the International sChool On Nonlinear vibrational Spectro-microscopy by Prof. Wolfgang Kiefer and an introduction to the Opening Talk of the ICORS XXV meeting, where he painted an amazing fresco of the ICORS history, discussing how linear and nonlinear Raman spectroscopy has developed over half a century as reflected by the previous ICORS conferences.


The following speakers are confirmed.

Prof. Giulio Cerullo

Politecnico di Milano, Italy.

Experimental Nonlinear Techniques.

Prof. Marcus T. Cicerone

Georgia Institute of Technology, USA.

Coherent Raman Microscopy.

Prof. Shaul Mukamel

University of California Irvine, USA.

Theoretical Nonlinear and Time-Resolved Spectroscopy.

Prof. Eric O. Potma

University of California Irvine, USA.

Experimental Coherent Raman Spectroscopy.

Prof. Sanford Ruhman

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem , Israel.

Experimental Time-Domain Raman Spectroscopy.

Prof. Tullio Scopigno

"Sapienza" University University of Rome, Italy.

Experimental Nonlinear Raman Spectroscopy.

Prof. Tahei Tahara

Director of Molecular Spectroscopy Laboratory RIKEN , Japan.

Time Resolved and Time Domain Raman Spectroscopy.


In view of a wide response, homogeneously distributed worldwide, we haven’t set a single daily schedule built on our local (European) time zone. On the contrary, each day of the school has a timetable optimized for a different time zone (Day1-Europe, Day2-Asia, Day3-America). The times in the program are in GMT+2 (Rome Timezone).

You can download the program at the following link, or directly sinc your calendar here.

During their lectures, the speakers will be asked to foster the discussion between the students, encouraging informal contacts and the scientific interactions among all the participants, creating a cohesive group of international researchers interested in nonlinear Raman spectro-microscopy. The program aims to have a balance between theoretical and experimental advances. In particular, the following topics will be covered: