Treatise in which it is shown how in every Place of the World it is possible to find a UNIVERSAL MEASURE & WEIGHT having no relation with any other MEASURE and any other WEIGHT & anyway in every place they will be the same, and unchangeable and everlasting until the end of the WORLD.''48Here the word universal is used for the first time for a unit of measurement. In the 9th page of his document (pages are unnumbered) he makes the suggestion to call metro cattolico (catholic meter -- `catholic' in the sense of universal) a standard realized by the pendulum:
So, Pendula will be the basis of my work, and from them I shall first originate my Catholic Meter, that is the universal measure, as I think I have to name it in Greek, and then I shall originate a Catholic Weight from it.''49Here is finally, in the 20th page, his definition of the meter:
The Catholic Meter is nothing but the length of a Pendulum, whose oscillations are 3600 in a hour[...]
as I refer to a free Pendulum, and not to those which hang from Clocks.50We think Burattini would be very pleased to learn that the unit of length of the International System differs from his meter by only half centimeter!