Fraction of sampled positives being really infected or not

Putting all together, our rough expectation is that our sample of $m$ individuals will contain $m_1\approx p\cdot m$ infected, although we shall write it within this section as an equality (` $m_1 = p\cdot m$'), and ditto for other related numbers. Out of these $m_1$ infected, $\pi_1 \cdot m_1$ will be tagged as positive and $(1-\pi_1)\cdot m_1$ as negative. Of the remaining $m_2= (1-p)\cdot m$, not infected, $\pi_2\cdot m_2$ will be tagged as positive and $(1-\pi_2)\cdot m_2$ as negative. In sum, the expected numbers of positive and negative will be
$\displaystyle n_P$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \pi_1\cdot m_1 + \pi_2\cdot m_2$ (1)
$\displaystyle n_N$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle (1-\pi_1)\cdot m_1 + (1-\pi_2)\cdot m_2\,,$ (2)

which we can rewrite as
$\displaystyle n_P$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \pi_1\cdot p\cdot m + \pi_2\cdot (1-p)\cdot m$ (3)
$\displaystyle n_N$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle (1-\pi_1)\cdot p\cdot m + (1-\pi_2)\cdot (1-p)\cdot m\,,$ (4)

So, just to fix the ideas with a numerical example and sticking to $\pi_1=0.98$ and $\pi_2=0.12$ of Ref. [16], in the case we sample 10000 individuals we get, assuming 10% infected ($p=0.10$),