w Alberto Petri
Alberto Petri: Scientific Publications (since 1996)

''Breakdown of Scaling and Friction Weakening in the Intermittent Granular Flow''
Andrea Baldassarri, Mario A. Annunziata, Andrea Gnoli, Giorgio Pontuale, Alberto Petri

Scientific Reports 9, 16962 (2019).

''Experimental statistics and stochastic modeling of stick-slip dynamics in a sheared granular fault''
Alberto Petri

in Procs. of the 22-th Enrico Fermi International School of Physics on Mechanics of Earthquake Faulting, 2-7 July 2018, Varenna (Italy) (SIF-IOS Press, 2019),
A. Bizzarri, S. Das and A. Petri eds.

'Mechanics of Earthquake Faulting''
A. Bizzarri, S. Das and A. Petri eds.

Procs. of the 22-th Enrico Fermi International School of Physics on Mechanics of Earthquake Faulting, 2-7 July 2018, Varenna (Italy), (SIF-IOS Press, 2019).

''Modulated structures in a Lebwohl-Lasher model with chiral interactions''
E. S Nascimento, A. Petri, and S. R. Salinas,

Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 531, 121592 (2019).

''Morphology and dynamics in SOC universality classes''
A. Petri and G. Pontuale,

J. Stat. Mech. 06320 (2018).

''Uniaxial and biaxial structures in the elastic Maier-Saupe model''
A. Petri, D.B. Liarte and S. R. Salinas,

Phys. Rev. E 97, 012705 (2018).

''Field-induced uniaxial and biaxial nematic phases in the
Maier-Saupe-Zwanzig (MSZ) lattice model''

A. Petri and S. R. Salinas,

Liquid Crystals 45, 980 (2017).

''How lognormal is your country?''
M. A. Annunziata, A. Petri, G. Pontuale and A. Zaccaria,

European Physic Journal - Special Topics 225, 1985 (2016).

''Single slip dynamics''
Andrea Bizzarri and Alberto Petri,

Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 261, 36 (2016).

''Increasing 'ease of sliding' also increases friction: when is a lubricant effective?''
M.A. Annunziata, A. Baldassarri, F. Dalton; A. Petri, G. Pontuale,

J. Phys. Cond.Mat. 28, 134001 (2016).

''Dynamic metastability in the two-dimensional Potts ferromagnet''
Miguel Ibañez Berganza, Alberto Petri and Pietro Coletti,

Phys. Rev. E 89, 052115 (2014).

''Anomalous metastability in a temperature-driven transition''
M. Ibañez Berganza, P. Coletti and A. Petri,

Europhys. Lett. 106, 56001 (2014).

''The electoral system for the Italian Senate: an analogy with deterministic chaos?''
G. Pontuale, F. Dalton, S. Genovese, E. La Nave and A. Petri,

Ann. Oper. Res. 215. 245 (2014).

''Nonequilibrium fluctuations in a frictional granular motor: Experiments and kinetic theory''
Andrea Gnoli, Alessandro Sarracino, Andrea Puglisi, and Alberto Petri,

Phys. Rev. E 87, 052209 (2013).

''Brownian Ratchet in a Thermal Bath Driven by Coulomb Friction''
Andrea Gnoli, Alberto Petri, Fergal Dalton, Giorgio Pontuale, Giacomo Gradenigo, Alessandro Sarracino and Andrea Puglisi,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 120601 (2013).

''Slow crack propagation through a disordered medium: Critical transition and dissipation''
G. Pontuale F. Colaiori and A. Petri,

Europhys Lett. 101, 16005 (2013).

''The role of interstitial impurities in the frictional instability of seismic fault models''
Massimo Pica Ciamarra, Fergal Dalton, Lucilla de Arcangelis, C. Godano, Eugenio Lippiello, Alberto Petri,

Tribology Letters 48, 89 (2012)

''Brownian motor in a granular medium''
R. Balzan, F. Dalton, V. Loreto,, 749-753 A. Petri and G. Pontuale,

Phys. Rev. E 83, 031310 (2011).

''Friction memory in the stick-slip of a sheared granular bed''
Fabio Leoni, Andrea Baldassarri, Fergal Dalton, Alberto Petri, Giorgio Pontuale and Stefano Zapperi,

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 357, 749-753 (2011).

''A random neighbour model for yielding''
Fergal Dalton, Alberto Petri and Giorgio Pontuale,

J. Stat. Mech. P03011 (2010).

''Analysis of metal cutting acoustic emissions by time series models''
Federico Polito, Alberto Petri, Giorgio Pontuale and Fergal Dalton,

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 48, 897 (2010).

''Implicit Knowledge Discovery''
F. A. Farrelly and A. Petri,

in ''Advanced Topics in Cell Model Systems'',
A. Macagnano, A. Raimundo-Orlando, F. A. Farrelly, A. Petri and Marco Girasole Eds.
Nova Science Publishers Inc. (N.Y. 2009), pp 87-92.

''Advanced Topics in Cell Model Systems''
A. Macagnano, A. Raimundo-Orlando, F. A. Farrelly, A. Petri and Marco Girasole Eds.

Nova Science Publisher Inc. (N.Y. 2009).

'' Ordering dynamics in the presence of multiple phases''
A. Petri, M. Ibañez de Berganza, V. Loreto,

Philosophical Magazine 88 , 3931 (2008).

''Stochastic dynamics of a sheared granular medium''
A. Baldassarri, A. Petri, F. Dalton, G. Pontuale, L. Pietronero, S. Zapperi,

The European Physical Journal B 64 (2008), 531-535.

"Phase separation of the Potts model in the square lattice"
Miguel Ibañez de Berganza, Ezequiel E. Ferrero, Sergio A. Cannas, Vittorio Loreto and Alberto Petri,

The European Physical Journal, Special Topics 143 (2007), 273-275.

''A method for detecting complex correlation in time series''
V. Alfi, A. Petri and L. Pietronero

Proc. SPIE, Vol. 6601, 66010H (2007).

``Roughness and finite size effect in the NYSE stock-price fluctuations''
A. Petri, F. Coccetti, L. Pietronero, V. Alfi,

The European Physical Journal B 55 (2007), 135-142. cond-mat/0610039

"A thermodynamic fibre bunldle model with disorder"
A. Virgilii, A. Petri and S. R. Salinas,

J. Stat. Mech. P04009 (2007).

"Temperature in out-of-equilibrium lattice gas"
A. Petri and M. J. de Oliveira,

Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 17, 1703-1715 (2007). (PDF file)

"Phase ordering and symmetries of the Potts model"
M. Ibñez de Berganza, V. Loreto and A. Petri,

Phil. Mag. B 87 (2007) 779-786. cond-mat/0606282

"Component Analysis of Granular Friction"
Fergal Dalton, Alberto Petri, Giorgio Pontuale and Luciano Pietronero,

in Procs of Sixth workshop on Traffic and Granular Flow'05,
A. Schadschneider, T.P???schel, R. Ku???hne, M. Schreckenberg and D. E. Wolf Eds.,
Springer-Verlag (Berlin Heidelberg 2007), p.101

"Granular shearing and Barkhausen noise"
Andrea Baldassarri, Fergal Dalton, Alberto Petri, Luciano Pietronero, Giorgio Pontuale and Stefano Zapperi,

in Procs of   Sixth workshop on Traffic and Granular Flow'05,
A. Schadschneider, T. P???schel, R. K???hne, M. Schreckenberg and D. E. Wolf Eds.,
Springer-Verlag (Berlin Heidelberg 2007), p.91

"Exact Results for the Roughness of a Finite Size Random Walk"
V. Alfi, F. Coccetti, M. Marotta, A. Petri, L.Pietronero,

Physica A 370 127-131 (2006). (PDF file)

"Senato, tutto da rifare"
A. Petri, F. Dalton e G. Pontuale,

Le Scienze, Settembre 2006, p. 62. (PDF file)

"Brownian forces in shared granular matter"
A. Baldassarri, F. Dalton, A. Petri, S. Zapperi, G.Pontuale and L. Pietronero,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 118002 (2006). (PDF file)

"Shear Stress Fluctuations in the Liquid-Solid Granular Transition"
F. Dalton, F. Farrelly, A. Petri, L. Pietronero, L. Pitolli and G. Pontuale,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 , 138001 (2005). (PDF file)

"Stress fluctuations and the solid/fluid transition in a sheared granular bed"
F. Dalton, A. Petri and G. Pontuale,

in Procs of  Powders & Grains 2005,
R.Garc???a-Rojo, H.J. Herrmann and S. McNamara, Eds. A.A.Balkema (Rotterdam, 2005).

"Stieltjes moment problem via fractional moments"
Pierluigi Novi Inverardi, Alberto Petri, Giorgio Pontuale and Aldo Tagliani,

Applied Mathematics and Computation, 166 {3}, 664-677 (2005). (PDF file)

"Crystal vs Glass formation in lattice models with many coexisting states ordered states"
M. J. de Oliveira, A. Petri and T. Tom???,

Physica A 342  (1-2), 97-103 (2004).  (PDF file)

"Statistical properties of acoustic emission signals from metal cutting process''
G. Pontuale, F.A. Farrelly, A. Petri, L. Pitolli, G. Pontuale, A. Tagliani, P. L. Novi Inverardi

J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 116  (2), 981-986 (2004).  (PDF file)

"Glassy states in lattice models with many coexisting crystalline phases"
M. J. de Oliveira, A. Petri and T. Tom???,

Europhys. Lett. 65,  20-26 (2004).   (PDF file)

"Lattice Models of Disorder with Order "
Alberto Petri,

Brazilian Journal of Physics  33, 521-525 (2003).  (PDF file)

"In-situ acoustic-based analysis system for physical and chemical properties of the lower Martian atmosphere"
F.A. Farrelly, A. Petri, L. Pitolli, G. Pontuale,

Planetary and Space Science 52 (1-3), 125-131 (2004).
(Special issue: Exploring Mars Surface and its Earth Analogues - Edited by
L. Marinangeli, E. Flamini and S. Espinasse).    (PDF file)

"Emergence of Glassy States in Lattice Models with no a Priori Disorder"
M. J. de Oliveira, A. Petri and T. Tom??? ,

in MODELING OF COMPLEX SYSTEMS: Seventh Granada Lectures,
P. L. Garrido and J. Marro Eds., 139- 142
(American Institute of Physics, 2003).     (PDF file)

"Acoustic Event Localization by Means of Passive Transducer Arrays in Environmental Monitoring"
F. A. Farrelly a , A. Petri a , L. Pitolli a and G. Pontuale,

in Procs of  5th European Conference on Noise Control (Euronoise 2003),
Naples, Italy, May 19-21, 2003,
Acta Acustica, Special Issue May/June, Suppl. 1, 89, 124-125 (2003).     (PDF file)

"A statistical analysis of acoustic emission signals for tool condition monitoring"
G. Pontuale, F.A. Farrelly, A. Petri, L. Pitolli,

ARLO 4 (1), 13-18 (2003).    (PDF file)

"Hausdorff moment problem via fractional moments"
Pierluigi Novi Inverardi, Alberto Petri, Giorgio Pontuale and Aldo Tagliani,

Appl. Math. and Comp.  144,  61-74 (2003).    (PDF file)

"A microscopic model for granular compaction with friction"
C. Fusco, A. Fasolino, P. Gallo, A. Petri and M. Rovere,

Phys. Rev. E 66 (3), 31301 (2002).    (PDF file)

"Cumulants of the three state Potts model and of nonequilibrium models with C3v symmetry"
Tania Tom??? and Alberto Petri,

J. Phys A 35 (26), 5379-5390 (2002).    (PDF file)

"Critical fluctuations in the breakdown of disordered lattices"
A. Petri,

in Scaling and Disordered Systems;  International Workshop and Collection of Articles celebrating Antonio Coniglio's 60th birthday (Paris, France, April 13-14, 2000),
edited by F. Family, M. Daoud, H. J. Herrmann and H. E.  Stanley (World-Scientific, June 2002);
  (gzipped PS file)

"Stretched exponential relaxation in a diffusive model for granular compaction"
C. Fusco, P. Gallo, A. Petri and M. Rovere,

Phys. Rev. E 65 (2), 26127-26130 (2002).    (PDF file)

"Glassy behaviour in short range lattice models without quenched disorder"
M???rio J. de Oliveira and Alberto Petri,

Procs. of 8th International Workshop on Disordered Systems, Andalo, Trento, 12-15 March 2001,
Phil. Mag. B 82 (5), 617-623 (2002).    (gzipped PS file)

"Slow dynamics of k-mers on a square lattice"
C. Fusco, P. Gallo, A. Petri and M. Rovere,

Procs. of 8th International Workshop on Disordered Systems, Andalo, Trento, 12-15 March 2001,
Phil. Mag. B 82 (4), 375-381 (2002).    (gzipped PS file)

"Random sequential adsorption and diffusion of dimers and k-mers on a square lattice"
C. Fusco, P. Gallo, A. Petri and M. Rovere

J. Chem. Phys. 114 (17), 7563-7569 (2001).   (PDF file)

"Granular gases: where standard kinetic theory fails"
A. Puglisi, V. Loreto, U. Marini Bettolo Marconi, A. Petri and A. Vulpiani,

in Highlights INFM 1998/1999, Published by Istituto  Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia (Genova 2001), p.98.

"Acoustic Emission Monitoring for Structural Time-Related Assessment"
F.A. Farrelly , E. Flamini , A. Petri , L. Pitolli  and G. Pontuale,

Procs. of ASI (Italian Space Agency), Workshop Nazionale su "La scienza e la tecnologia sulla Stazione Spaziale Internazionale (ISS)" Torino,  16-18 maggio 2001

Microgravity and Space Station Utilization, Special Issue, 2  (2-3-4), 121-123
(2001).     (PDF file)

"Environmental Acoustic Reconnaissance and Sounding (EARS) Instrument for Mars Exploration"
F.A. Farrelly , E. Flamini , A. Petri , L. Pitolli  and G. Pontuale,

Procs. of 17th International Congress on Acoustics  (Rome, 2-7 September 2001), ISBN 88-88387-03-X .    (PDF file)

"Properties of Acoustic Emission Signals for Tool Condition Monitoring (TCM) Applications"
G. Pontuale, F.A. Farrelly, A. Petri, L. Pitolli and F. Krogh,

Procs. of 17th International Congress on Acoustics  (Rome, 2-7 September 2-7 2001), ISBN 88-88387-03-X.     (PDF file)

"Characteristics of power-law distributed AE signals"
F.A. Farrelly, F. Krogh, A. Petri, L. Pitolli and G. Pontuale,

Procs. of 17th International Congress on Acoustics  (September 2-7, 2001,Rome), ISBN 88-88387-03-X.    (PDF file)

"Procedimento e relativo dispositivo basati sull'emissione acustica per la supervisione automatica delle lavorazioni meccaniche",
F.A. Farrelly, A. Petri, L.Pitolli, G. Pontuale and GB. Cannelli,

patent pending (Italy, 10/24/2000, RM2000 A000560), International  extension requested (PCT, ref. 1439/2000).

"EARS - Enviromental Acoustic Reconaissance and Sounding Significant scientific aspects"
F.A. Farrelly, E. Flamini, A. Petri, G.Pontuale, L. Pitolli,

Procs. of 2nd International Workshop on The Italian role and perspectives for the exploration of Mars,
September 8-9, 1999, Rome (Italy), Pub. by Agenzia Spaziale Italiana.

"Janssen's law and stress fluctuations in confined dry granular material"
U. Marini Bettolo Marconi, A. Petri and A. Vulpiani,

Physica A 280, 279-288 (2000).    (PDF file)

"Slow relaxation in a diffusional model for granular compaction"
M.J. de Oliveira and A. Petri,

in Compaction of Soils, Granulates and Powders,
Proc. of  International Workshop on Compaction of Soils, Granulates and Powders,
Innsbruck (Austria), February 28-29, 2000,
D. Kolymbas and W. Fellin Eds., A.A.Balkema
(Rotterdam 2000), p.275-281.  (gzipped PS file)

"Critical behaviour in fracture of disordered media"
G. Caldarelli, C. Castellano and A. Petri,

Phil. Mag. B 79 (11/12), 1939-1944 (1999).   (gzipped PS file)

Comment on "First order transition in the breakdown of disordered media"
G. Caldarelli and A. Petri,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 (7), 1483 (1999).   (PDF file)

"Criticality in models for fracture in disordered media"
G. Caldarelli, C. Castellano and A. Petri,

Physica A 270, 15-20 (1999).   (PDF file)

"Numerically efficient computation of eigensolution spectrum in one-dimensional heterostructures"
Francis A. Farrelly and Alberto Petri,

Int. J. of Mod. Phys. C 9 (7), 927-934 (1998). (gzipped PS file)

"Coarsening in diluted systems"
Claudio Castellano, Federico Corberi, Umberto Marini Bettolo Marconi and Alberto Petri,

in Disorder and Chaos a Conference in Honour of Giovanni Paladin,Rome 22-24 September 1997,
A. Vulpiani, M. Serva, G. Parisi, L. Peliti and L. Pietronero Eds.,
Journal de Physique IV 8, 93-98 (1998).  (gzipped PS file)

"Clustering and non-gaussian behavior in granular matter",
A. Puglisi, V. Loreto, U. Marini Bettolo Marconi, A. Petri and A. Vulpiani,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 3848-3851 (1998).  (PDF file)

"Asymptotic moment growth for products of correlated random matrices",
A. Petri and M.J de Oliveira,

Physica A 257, 477-482 (1998).   (PDF file)

"Granular compaction, random sequential adsorption and diffusional relaxation",
M???rio J. de Oliveira and Alberto Petri,

J. Phys. A 31 L425-433 (1998).   (PDF file)

"Acoustic emission and microcrack correlation",
A. Petri,

Phil. Mag B 77, 265-277 (1998).

"Subharmonic generation in acoustical resonators",
A. Alippi, A. Bettucci, F. Craciun, F. Farrelly, A. Petri and G. Shkerdin,

in New perspectives on problems in classical and quantum physics:
a Festschrift in Honor of Herbert Uberall,
P.P Delsanto and A.W. S???enz Eds., Gordon and Breach (1998).

"Domain growth on percolating clusters",
U. Marini Bettolo Marconi and A. Petri,

Phil. Mag B 77 265-277 (1998).

"Domain Growth on Self Similar Structures",
U. Marini Bettolo Marconi and A. Petri,

Phys. Rev. E 55, 1311 (1997).   (PDF file)

"Resistance statistics in one-dimensional systems with correlated disorder",
M.J. de Oliveira and A. Petri,

Phys. Rev. B 56, 251 (1997).   (PDF file)

"Time dependent Ginzburg-Landau model in the absence of translational invariance.
Non conserved Order Parameter domain growth",
U. Marini Bettolo Marconi and A. Petri,

J. Phys. A 30, 1069 (1997).   (PDF file)

"Density of states and localization lengths in one-dimensional linear chains",
M.J. de Oliveira and A. Petri,

Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 11, 2195 (1997).

"O(n) vector model of growth on fractal lattices",
U. Marini Bettolo Marconi and A. Petri,

in Fractals in the Natural and Applied Sciences,
M.M. Novak Ed., World Scientific (Singapore 1997), p.163.

"Self Organization and Annealed Disorder in Fracturing Processes",
G. Caldarelli, F. di Tolla and A. Petri,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 2503 (1996).   (PDF file)

"Long range correlation properties of aftershock relaxation signals",
A. Vespignani, A. Alippi, M. Costantini, G. Paparo, A. Petri,

in Fractal Geometry and Analysis: The Mandelbrot Festschrift, Cura???ao 1995,
C.J.G Evertsz, H.O Peitgen and R.F. Voss Eds. World Scientific (Singapore 1996), p. 435.

"Anomalous localization and fluctuations of modes on fractals",
A. Petri,

Physica B 219/220, 324 (1996).   (PDF file)

"Generalized Lyapunov Exponents for Products of Correlated Random Matrices",
M.J. de Oliveira and A. Petri,

Phys. Rev E 53, 2960 (1996).   (PDF file)

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