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Prof. V. Barone seminar
23.02.2015 - 23.02.2015 16.00 h
Sala direzione INFN - Roma


A new paradigm for modeling: a virtual multifrequency spectrometer

The subtle interplay of several different effects still makes the interpretation and analysis of experimental spectra in terms of structural and dynamic characteristics a very challenging task. In this context theoretical studies can be very helpful and this is the reason behind the rapid evolution of computational spectroscopy from a highly specialized research field toward a versatile and widespread tool. However, in the case of electronic spectra (UV–vis, CD, photoelectron, X-ray, etc.) the most popular approach still relies on computation of vertical excitation energies, which are further convoluted to simulate line-shapes. Such a treatment completely neglects the effect of nuclear motions, despite the well-recognized notion that proper account of vibrational effects is often mandatory in order to interpret correctly experimental findings.

In this presentation I will sketch the most significant developments performed also in the framework of the ERC Advanced Grant DREAMS: 320951 “Development of a Research Environment for Advanced Modeling of Soft Matter.

From the one side, recent implementations of effective approaches rooted into both time-independent and time-dependent models, allow feasible yet reliable simulations of spectra line-shape, including vibronic contributions even for large systems. Moreover, integration into a general purpose computational chemistry package offers a fully automatic evaluation of one-photon electronic spectra, starting from several electronic models, ranging from fully QM descriptions to discrete/continuum QM/MM/PCM models.  Additionally, introduction of effective DFT models coupling a remarkable reliability in the computation of geometric, vibrational and electronic properties with a very favorable scaling with the number of electrons, allows reliable studies of compounds of biological or technological interest. Some specific examples will be sketched to illustrate our recent integrated approach.


V. Barone, I. Carnimeo, G. Scalmani, J.Chem.Th.Comp.  9, 2052 (2013).

V. Barone, M. Biczysko, J. Bloino, C. Puzzzarini, J.Chem.Th.Comp. 9, 1533 (2013).

J. Bloino, V. Barone, J.Chem.Phys. 136, 124108 (2012)

C. Cappelli, J. Bloino, F. Lipparini, V. Barone, J.Phys.Chem.Lett. 3, 1766 (2012).

V.Barone,A.Baiardi, M.Biczisko, J.Bloino, C.Cappelli, F.Lipparini, PCCP 14, 12404 (2012).

F. Lipparini, C. Cappelli, V. Barone, J.Chem.Th.Comp.  8, 4153 (2012).

V. Barone, I. Cacelli, A. Ferretti, S. Monti, G. Prampolini, PCCP 13, 4709 (2011).

A. Pedone, G. Prampolini, S. Monti, V. Barone, Chem.Mater. 23, 5016 (2011).

V. Barone, M. Biczysko, G. Brancato, Adv.Quantum Chem. 59, 17 (2010).

V. Barone, J. Bloino, M. Biczysko, F. Santoro, J.Chem.Th.Comp. 5, 540 (2009).


Sala direzione INFN


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