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Seminar Prof. Di Carlo
08.06.2015 - 08.06.2015 14.30 h
Sala Persico -


How to span the chasm between MD and CM: the APR method put the other way round.
Around 35 years ago, Andersen, Parrinello and Rahman had the idea of letting the molecular-dynamics (MD) 
cell vary its volume (Andersen) and shape (Parrinello & Rahman) with time. The particle velocity was hence 
decomposed into the sum of a spatially tidy entrainment velocity, parameterised by the cell deformation rate, 
and a disordered streaming velocity. In order to govern the collective degrees of freedom associated with the 
cell, the Lagrangian functional was extended in a smart ad-hoc way. Whether the extended Lagrangian could be 
derived from “first principles” was a question left for further study, as Parrinello & Rahman themselves stated. 
In reality, since MD practitioners always considered the APR method just as an expedient trick for generating 
the desired particle statistics, this foundational issue remained latent until recently, when somebody with a 
background in continuum mechanics (CM) started looking at the APR method from an antipodal point of view. 
Here the idea is to bring the deforming computational cell to the fore, identifying it with an element—i.e., an 
infinitesimally small piece—of a continuous medium. Seen in this perspective, the appealing feature of the 
APR method is that it establishes an explicit coupling between molecular and continuum DOFs. In convention-
al applications, dynamical quantities work-conjugate to these latter DOFs—namely, stress—are regarded as 
prescribed: as a matter of fact, Andersen’s original motivation was that of devising a barostat. In the novel 
multiscale implementation of the method, the stress is a priori unknown: to determine it, CM PDEs have to be 
solved simultaneously with MD ODEs.
      Roughly speaking, the solution strategy goes as follows. Imagine considering a material aggregate as either 
a molecular system or a continuous medium, and wishing to relate the two representations. Assume that the 
fields entering the continuum description, such as strain and stress, are adequately sampled on an array of 
positions (think of Gauss points in a finite element model), whose typical spacing H is enormously larger than 
the average intermolecular distance d. Associate with each of these macroscopic sampling positions an APR
cell, whose reference size h is large enough with respect to d in order to allow for a decent sampling of the 
microscopic molecular states, and still much smaller than H: H >> h >> d (in practice, it is also essential to take 
full advantage of the fact that, typically, H/h >> h/d). Now, let the molecules in each cell interact directly with 
each other (and with their h-neighbouring images), while being indirectly affected by those in the H-neighbour-
ing cells via the collective degrees of freedom of the deforming APR cell, governed by the force balance and 
compatibility equations of CM (sampled at the H scale). In turn, the stress-strain relation characterising the re-
sponse of the medium arises as an emergent property of MD (computed on the h scale).


Sala Persico


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