Nikola tips
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The theme you are using may lack a template file for a specific page. In my case, listing.tmpl was missing. Therefore I copied the NIKOLA/data/themes/base/templates/listing.tmpl file over to /themes/my_theme/templates and edited it to make its structure similar to my theme’s other tmpl files.

Math support

With Nikola you can enable math support for a specific page by adding has_math: true to its metadata. However, if you use long equations and want to support devices with small screens, remember to add "HTML-CSS": { linebreaks: { automatic: true } }, to MathJax’s config in


By default Nikola creates thumbnails for each image you put into the images folder (or subfolders). If you don’t need thumbnails and want to save compiling time and disk space you can put everything in files/images instead. This has the benefit of keeping all the paths valid, since in either case images will be placed in /images/path/to/image.jpg.