Pia Astone

Dirigente di Ricerca, INFN Rome Division, at the Physics Department of La Sapienza University.
LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA and ET collaborations.
ORCID: 0000-0003-4981-4120
Author of over 380 papers in international refereed journals. Index H (Scopus, Dec. 2023): 90

Physics of GWs; GW Data Analysis, with particular expertise in the search of continuous and long transient gravitational waves (CW)
Observational relativity and cosmology.
Computational issues.
My main interest and goal is the detection of signals from neutron stars (NS), in particular from the unknown ones ("All-Sky searches" aimed at the whole sky, the whole frequency band [10-2048] Hz and a wide spin-down range).
Outreach activities, for dissemination of results related to GW searches and activities for physics laboratories in secondary Italian schools.

11 Febbraio 2016: Annuncio GW150914 a Cascina. 24 Febbraio 2016: Con Sabrina D'Antonio in ufficio

Stoccolma 8 Dic 2017, Nobel Prize lecture. With Kip Thorne and with Maria Alessandra Papa

Stoccolma Nobel Prize celebrations. 9/10 Dic 2017, LIGO/Virgo dinners. With Bernard Schutz and group picture (present only a few members, out of the many who contributed to the discoveries !)

Our PRIN, 2022: Cutting-edge strategies to identify new GEMS (Gravitational- and ElectroMagnetic-wave Sources) in the Universe with current and next-generation detectors.
PI: Pia Astone (INFN). INAF: A. Papitto, L. Stella. INFN: S. D Antonio, S. Dal Pra, C. Palomba. Sapienza: P. Leaci. External collaborators, for INFN and Sapienza activities: S. Dall Osso (INFN), O. J. Piccinni (IFAE).
Abstract: Following the historic discovery of the signals from coalescing black hole and neutron star (NS) binaries, a new frontier in gravitational wave (GW) research is the detection of sources emitting periodic continuous waves (CWs). Predicted signals have much weaker strain amplitudes than those of coalescing binaries, but their durations are much longer, such that significant signal to noise ratios are attainable in the LIGO-Virgo data. However, the detection of CWs presents formidable challenges in terms of analysis techniques, computing power and astrophysical input. These are tackled in the present program through a multidisciplinary approach that exploits cutting-edge expertise and facilities in both GW science and astrophysics. Key aspects of “Advanced computing” aimed at enhancing the sensitivity and robustness of the searches are exploited. The project comprises a sub-package on the optimized use of CPUs and GPUs and another on the exploitation of Machine Learning techniques.

Left: PRIN image; Center, Right: O3 results for searches to known pulsars and to unknown neutron stars.

Dirigente di Ricerca INFN
Physics Department
of University of Rome "La Sapienza"
Follow us on Facebook ! INFN- Sezione di Roma, at La Sapienza

  • For my coordinates click here
  • Materiale per la didattica Pagine personali: Corsi, tutoraggio, esercitazioni divulgative.
  • Profilo Docente Catalogo corsi di studio Sapienza Univ. di Roma

    Podcast RAIPLAY, 2022: Immaginate di poter viaggiare nello spazio e nel tempo solo attraverso un segnale simile al suono, ma restando fermi, sulla terra. Per trent` anni e per tre generazioni, un gruppo di scienziati ....Ascolta la storia di una sensazionale scoperta !
    Virgo. L` Universo si fa suono

    Intervista per Wise Society, Nov. 2024 “Il lungo viaggio delle onde gravitazionali e la comprensione dell’universo” Settore ambiente e scienza, Link intervista

    Intervista Tagadà, La 7, Puntata 13/11/2024 “Onde gravitazionali” Video della sola intervista, editato da Dario Menasce che ringrazio!
    Link alla puntata

    Einstein Telescope, Festival Scienza Cagliari 2023 Scienza in movimento. Einstein Telescope, una risorsa per il progresso e lo sviluppo.
    Intervista collegata evento, al TGR Sardegna

    I messaggeri cosmici Pearson (per docenti di scuola secondaria)

    This is where all the history began: On 14 September 2015, WE HAVE for the first time DETECTED GRAVITATIONAL WAVES !

    And I have been in the "PWT150914", the paper coordinating team (2 Virgo and 4 LIGO people)
  • See the LIGO magazine article "Detection" :
    Writing up history on TeamSpeak (Issue 8, 2016);

    And this is the detection PRL paper

    We then did it again ....several Black Holes and, on August 17, 2017 a Binary Neutron Star merger ! GW170817
    Infographics of GW170817. In italiano

    Find here the relevant papers, with all the details and implications: Relevant Gravitational Waves LIGO/Virgo papers

    Comunicato ufficiale INFN for the first detection Click here

    Research activity:
    Other interesting links. Siti web outreach onde gravitazionali e altro.

  • Rivelatori di onde gravitazionali e materiale divulgativo. Outreach and gravitational waves:
  • Mini interferometro acceso Costruito nel nostro laboratorio Virgo, insieme ad Ettore Majorana/Pia Astone, da studenti di liceo.
  • Testo introduttivo per la costruzione del piccolo interferometro (Asimmetrie, INFN Ottobre 2018) e
  • Istruzioni dettagliate (scarica il pdf al link) Su Asimmetrie, INFN. Pia Astone, Ettore Majorana.
  • Un laboratorio nello smartphone (Asimmetrie 30 , INFN Aprile 2021) e Istruzioni dettagliate Pia Astone, Davide Pinci.

    Some pictures: