INFN Sezione di RomaSez. di Roma Educational Page

Experimental Elementary Particles Physics

Sapienza Università di Roma

A.A. 2016/2017 - Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Fisica

Prof. Cesare Bini

Lecture time Week day Room
9-11 tuesday Aula 2 (Edificio Fermi)
9-11 thursday Aula 2 (Edificio Fermi)

Aim of the lectures

The aim of the course is to present how the experiments in elementary particle physics are designed and how the data taken in these experiments are analyzed in order to get the physics results. A selection of old and recent experiments are considered and discussed. Advanced statistics methods used in present experiments are also presented. At the end, the students should be able to understand and discuss research papers describing measurements done in elementary particle physics experiments.

Beginning of the course: October 4th Aula 2 - 9.00

Program of the course

1. Short introduction: the goal and the main numbers

2. The language of the random variables and of the statistical inference (only on blackboard)

3. The logic of an EPP experiment

4. Quantities to measure in EPP

5. The projectiles: cosmic rays and accelerators

6. The detectors: examples of detector designs

Notes on Advanced Statistics


Seminario di P.Valente sull'esperimento PADME (10/1/2017)

Seminario di M.Rescigno sull'esperimento DarkSide (19/1/2017)