Particle Physics

A.A. 2023-24

All communication and news will appear on Google Classroom. All students attending the course are kindly asked to register on google classroom using the class code zbhlmhc. You can register exclusively with your uniroma1 credentials (no personal google account).


It is mandatory to make the reservation on infostud for the session of your interest if you intend to take the exam. All comunications regarding the calendar of oral exams will be through infostud.

Dates of exam sessions

The exams will take place over several days starting on the date indicated on infostud. At the closing of the reservations, students are asked to indicate their preference for a few dates and time slots and the calendar is communicted through infostud and published on this page before the starting date.

All oral exams will take place in the Stanza 241, Piano 2, Edificio Marconi (CU013).

Calendar of oral exams

  • September: exam calendar.

    Students registered on infostud are invited to fill this form, to select one of the proposed dates for the oral exam by 2 September

  • July: exam calendar.

    Students registered on infostud are invited to fill this form, to select one of the proposed dates for the oral exam.

  • June: exam calendar

Lecture schedule

  • Monday, 12-14, Aula Conversi , Edificio Marconi (CU013)
  • Wednesday 10-12, Aula Conversi , Edificio Marconi (CU013)
  • Friday 8:30-10, Aula 3, Edificio Fermi (CU033): March 1,8,15,22, April 5,12, May 3


Date Topic Material
2024-02-26 Introduction. Collisions and decays. Decay width and lifetime. Branching fraction. Fermi Golden Rule. Two-body decay width calculation. (Griffiths Ch. 6) board
2024-02-28 Collisions with fixed target and collinding beams. Instantaneous and integrated luminosity. Cross section: definition and calculation with Fermi's Golden rule. (Griffiths Ch. 6) board
2024-03-01, Fri @ 8:30 Rutherford scattering. Mott formula for electron scattering. Resonant cross section and the Breit-Wigner distribution. (Griffiths Ch. 6) board
2024-03-04 Probing structure of nucleons: Rutherford and Mott cross sections. Deviations in α scattering. electron-nucleon scattering: elastic and inelastic (Goldhaber Ch. 8, Perkins Ch. 5) board
2024-03-06 electron-nucleon scattering for pointlike and extended target. Form factors. electron-nucleon scattering for Dirac proton: Rosenbluth formula. Experimental proof of proton structure (Goldhaber Ch. 8, Perkins Ch. 5) board
2024-03-08, Fri @ 8:30 Form factors. electron-nucleon scattering for Dirac proton: Rosenbluth formula. Experimental proof of proton structure. (Goldhaber Ch. 8, Perkins Ch. 5) board
2024-03-11 Deep Inelastic scattering. Probing structure functions at SLAC. Scaling. Quark Parton Model. Parton density functions. (Goldhaber Ch. 8, Perkins Ch. 5) board
2024-03-13 No Lecture
2024-03-15 No Lecture
2024-03-18 Quark Parton Model. Parton density functions. Quarks and hadrons. (Goldhaber Ch. 8, Perkins Ch. 5) Continuous and discrete symmetries.(Terranova Ch. 5, Griffiths Ch. 4) board
2024-03-20 Continuous and discrete symmetries. Quantum numbers and conservation laws. Charge Conjugation. Parity and charge parity of composite states. Isospin as new internal continuous symmetry. (Terranova Ch. 5, Griffiths Ch. 4) board
2024-03-22, Fri @ 8:30 Isospin: hypothesis and experimental evidence. G-parity. Strangeness, charge and hypercharge. Static quark model. Scalar meson octet. (Terranova Ch.8, Perkins Ch. 4 and 5, Griffiths Ch. 4) board
2024-03-25 Static quark model. Meson multiplets. Producion and decay. Light meson mixing. Decay of ρ0 (Terranova Ch.8, Goldhaber Ch. 5, Perkins Ch. 4, Griffiths Ch. 4, PDG ch. 15, PDGlive, Clebsch-Gordan coefficients) board
2024-03-27 Static quark model. Baryon multiplets. Prediction and discovery of Ω-. Baryon decays. Hypothesis of new quantum number: color. Baryon decuplet. (Terranova Ch.8, Goldhaber Ch. 5, Perkins Ch. 4, Griffiths Ch. 4, PDG ch. 15) board
2024-04-03 Color quantum number. Baryon octets. Baryon and Meson wave functions. SU(4) flavor with charm quark. (Terranova Ch.8, Goldhaber Ch. 5, Perkins Ch. 4, PDG ch. 15) board
2024-04-05, Fri @ 8:30 Bhabha and Moeller scattering. Mandelstam variables. u-, t-, and s-channel diagrams. Annihilation diagram. Muon pair production. e + e-→μ+μ-: total and differential cross section. Pair production of quarks. Ratio R of hadronic and muon cross sections. Experimental evidence of quarks and color. (Griffiths Ch.8, Perkins Ch. 5.1, 5.2) board
2024-04-08 Measurement of R. PETRA e+e- collider at DESY. The JADE detector. Experimental technqiues for identification of e+e-→e+e-, μ+μ-+τ-, hadrons (Griffiths Ch.8, Goldhaber Ch. 10) board
2024-04-10 No Lecture
2024-04-12 Measurement of R. Discovery of J/Ψ and charm quark. J/Ψ properties. (Goldhaber Ch. 9, 10) board
2024-04-15 Decay of qqbar resonances: EM and strong decays of the Φ(1020). Charmonium resonances. J/Ψ properties and decay. The OZI rule. Discovery of the τ lepton. (Goldhaber Ch. 9, 10, 11) board
2024-04-17 Discovery of the bottom quark and the Upsilon (Υ) resonances. Discovery of the top quark. (Goldhaber Ch. 9, 10, 11) board
2024-04-22 Weak interactions. Number of neutrino flavors. Weak interaction as a chrial theory: Helicity and chirality. From Fermi model to current-current theory. (Terranova Ch. 10, Goldhaber Ch. 14, 6, Griffiths Ch. 9, Perkins Ch. 9) board
2024-04-24 Helicity of neutrinos. The Goldhaber experiment. Helicity suppression. Chiral weak interaction. (Terranova Ch. 10.6, Goldhaber Ch. 6, Perkins Ch. 7) pdf
2024-04-29 Heavy weak mediator and Fermi constant GF. Test of V-A theory: Muon decay and Helicity suppression in pion decay. (Terranova Ch. 10, Griffiths Ch. 9, Goldhaber Ch. 6, Perkins Ch. 7) board
2024-05-03, Fri @ 8:30 Lepton universality in weak interactions. Neutron decay. Weak interaction of hadrons. (Griffiths Ch. 9, Goldhaber Ch. 6, Perkins Ch. 7) board
2024-05-06 Weak interaction of quarks. Flavor changing charged weak current. The Cabibbo angle. The GIM mechanism. Tree and Loop diagrams. (Griffiths Ch. 9, Perkins Ch. 7, Goldhaber Ch. 6) board
2024-05-08 The GIM mechanism. The Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix. Measurement of CKM matrix elements. Oscillation of neutral mesons. Structure of weak interactions. Neutral Weak Current. (Griffiths Ch. 9, Perkins Ch. 7, Goldhaber Ch. 6, Terranova Ch. 13) board
2024-05-13 Discovery of Neutral Weak Current at CERN. Electroweak theory of Glashow-Weinberg-Salam. (Griffiths Ch. 9, Terranova Ch. 12, Perkins Ch. 7, Goldhaber Ch. 6) board
2024-05-15 Tests of the eletroweak theory. Experimental evidence for W and Z bosons. (Terranova Ch. 12, Goldhaber Ch. 12, Perkins Ch. 7, Griffiths Ch. 9). board
2024-05-20 CP Violation in neutral kaons. (Goldhaber Ch. 7, 15, Terranova 13.7, Perkins Ch. 7) pdf
2024-05-22 CP violation and matter--anti-matter asymmetry. Unitarity triangle and the CKM matrix. Direct CP Violation in B mesons. Quantum entanglement and coherent production of B mesons. (Goldhaber Ch. 7, 15, Terranova 13.7, Perkins Ch. 7) board
2024-05-27 Oscillation of neutral B mesons. CP Violation in interference between oscillation and decay in B → J/ΨKS. Number of families in the Standard Model and experimental evidence at LEP. (Goldhaber Ch. 7, 15, Terranova 13.7, Perkins Ch. 7) board
2024-05-29 Origin of mass in the Standard Model. The Higgs boson. Physics at the Large Hadron Collider. Dark Matter. (Terranova 13 for the Higgs mechanism) pdf