Including in the approximated formulae the contribution of the uncertainty on $p_s$ due to sampling

Next section will be dedicated to the effect of sampling $n_s$ individuals from a population. However, having taken some confidence with the approximated formulae, we can already extend them in order to see how the uncertain $p_s$, characterized by its expected value E$(p_s)$ and standard uncertainty $\sigma(p_s)$, whose evaluation will be the subject of Sec. [*], affects our prediction about the number of individuals resulting positive in the test. In the approximated expression for the expected value of $n_P$ (Eq. [*]) we have to replace $p_s$ by its expected value E$(p_s)$, while in the variance we have to add a term again obtained by linearization,33 thus getting
E$\displaystyle (n_P)$ $\displaystyle \approx$ E$\displaystyle (\pi_1)\cdot$   E$\displaystyle (p_s)\cdot n_s
+$   E$\displaystyle (\pi_2)\cdot (1-$E$\displaystyle (p_s))\cdot n_s$ (57)
$\displaystyle \sigma^2(n_P)$ $\displaystyle \approx$ E$\displaystyle (\pi_1)\cdot (1-$E$\displaystyle (\pi_1))
\cdot$   E$\displaystyle (p_s)\cdot n_s
+$   E$\displaystyle (\pi_2)\cdot (1-$E$\displaystyle (\pi_2))\cdot (1-$E$\displaystyle (p_s))\cdot n_s$  
    $\displaystyle + \,\sigma^2(\pi_1)\cdot$   E$\displaystyle ^2(p_s)\cdot n_s^2 +
\sigma^2(\pi_2)\cdot (1-$E$\displaystyle (p_s))^2\cdot n_s^2$  
    $\displaystyle + \,\sigma^2(p_s)\cdot ($E$\displaystyle (\pi_1) -$   E$\displaystyle (\pi_2))^2\cdot
n_s^2\,.$ (58)

As far as the fraction of positives is concerned, we have the following four contributions to the global uncertainty,
$\displaystyle \sigma(f_P)$ $\displaystyle \approx$ $\displaystyle \sigma_R(f_P) \oplus
\sigma_{\pi_1}(f_P) \oplus \sigma_{\pi_2}(f_P)
\oplus \sigma_{p_s}(f_P) \,,$ (59)

the first three given by Eqs. ([*]-[*]), in which $p_s$ has to be replaced by its expected value E$(p_s)$, and the fourth term being
$\displaystyle \sigma_{p_s}(f_P)$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \sigma(p_s)\cdot \vert$E$\displaystyle (\pi_1) -$   E$\displaystyle (\pi_2)\vert\,.$ (60)

(Note that also the fourth term is of `random nature', although, from the `perspective' we are now seeing the problem it could be considered as a third contribution to systematics.34)