Using JAGS

Let us repeat the Monte Carlo simulation improperly using the program JAGS [24], interfaced to R via the package rjags [26]. JAGS is a powerful tool developed, as open source, multi-platform clone of BUGS,40 to perform Bayesian inference by Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) using the Gibbs Sampler algorithm, as its name reminds, acronym of Just Another Gibbs Sampler. For the moment we just get familiar with JAGS using it as kind of `curious' random generator.

The first thing to do is to write down the probabilistic model that relates the different variables that enter the game. For example, the left hand graphical model of Fig. [*] is implemented in JAGS by the following self-explaining piece of code

model {
  n.I ~ dbin(p, ns)
  n.NI <- ns - n.I 
  nP.I ~ dbin(pi1, n.I)
  nP.NI ~ dbin(pi2, n.NI)
  nP ~ sum(nP.I, nP.NI)
  fP <- nP / ns 
in which we have added the last instruction to model the trivial node (not shown in Fig. [*]) relating in a deterministic way fP to nP and ns. In the model the symbol `$\sim$' indicates that, e.g. n.I is described by a binomial distribution defined by p and ns (be aware of the different order of the parameters with respect to the R function!), while `$<\!\!\!-$' stands for a deterministic relation (indeed the symbols of assignment in R). A nice thing of such a model is that the order of the instructions is not relevant. In fact it is only needed - let us put it so - to describe the related graphical model. All the rest will be done internally by JAGS at the compilation step.

Then, obviously, we have to

Moving to the second model of Fig. [*], in which we also take into account the uncertainty about $\pi_1$ and $\pi_2$, is straightforward: we just need to add two instructions to tell JAGS that pi1 and pi2 are indeed unobserved and that they depend on r1, s1, r2 and s2:
model {
  n.I ~ dbin(p, ns)
  n.NI <- ns - n.I 
  nP.I ~ dbin(pi1, n.I)
  nP.NI ~ dbin(pi2, n.NI)
  pi1 ~ dbeta(r1, s1)
  pi2 ~ dbeta(r2, s2)
  nP ~ sum(nP.I, nP.NI)
  fP <- nP / ns 
Once the model is defined, it has to be saved into a file, whose location is then passed to JAGS (we shall regularly use the temporary file tmp_model.bug, whose extension `.bug' is the BUGS/JAGS default).

At this point, moving to the R code to interact with JAGS, we need to

Finally we have to show the result. All this is done, for example, in the R script provided in Appendix B.6 (note that the temporary model file is written directly from R, a convenient solution for small models). Needless to say, we get, apart from statistical fluctuations inherent to Monte Carlo methods, `exactly' the same results obtained with the script of Appendix B.5, which only uses R statistical functions.