[url]http://roma1.infn.it/ dagos

[aff1]Università “La Sapienza” and INFN, Roma, Italia [cor1]Corresponding author: giulio.dagostini@roma1.infn.it

Probability, Propensity and Probability of Propensities
(and of Probabilities)

Giulio D'Agostinicor1


The process of doing Science in condition of uncertainty is illustrated with a toy experiment in which the inferential and the forecasting aspects are both present. The fundamental aspects of probabilistic reasoning, also relevant in real life applications, arise quite naturally and the resulting discussion among non-ideologized, free-minded people offers an opportunity for clarifications.

“I am a Bayesian in data analysis,
a frequentist in Physics”
(A PhD student in Rome, 2011)

“You see, a question has arisen,
about which we cannot come to an agreement,
probably because we have read too many books”
(Brecht's Galileo)

“The theory of probabilities is basically
just common sense reduced to calculus”