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GEMMA2 - Gravitational-waves, ElectroMagnetic and dark MAtter Physics Workshop

It is a pleasure to announce the International GEMMA2 (Gravitational-waves, ElectroMagnetic and dark MAtter) Physics Workshop to be held in Rome (Italy) from September 16th to September 19th, 2024.
The aim of the GEMMA2 workshop is to discuss on gravitational waves, multimessenger astrophysics and dark matter physics at these especially exciting times, bringing together mainly the theoretical and data-analysis aspects of such apparently heterogeneous fields. Registration is now open and Abstract Submission on these topics is welcome.
The deadline for abstract submission is June 16th, 2024, and the deadline for early registration is June 28th, 2024.

GravityShapePisa 2024: Exploring new sources of Gravitational Waves

The event, GravityShapePisa 2024: Exploring new sources of Gravitational Waves (GraSP24), will take place in Pisa from October 23rd to 25th. This is the second edition of the GraSP conferences series (sponsored by the University of Pisa, the INFN Pisa and the municipality of Pisa), and organised entirely by young researchers.
The registration and call for abstract are now open. We strongly encourage young researchers, PhD students and Post-Docs from diverse backgrounds to participate in this stimulating event and submit their contributions. Everyone will have the opportunity to present their work either by a talk contribution, or through a dedicated poster session.
The main topic of this year’s edition is the phenomenology of gravity and the landscape offered by new sources of gravitational waves. Talks will cover the advancements and prospects in the fields of Astrophysics, Cosmology and Fundamental Physics. If you are interested, you can find further information and contacts at the official event page: GraSP24 Indico.


  • Calls for technologist and technician positions with fixed-term contracts for activities within the PNRR projects of interest to INFN. All notices are available on the Job Opportunities web page.
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