
DOE-INFN Summer Students Exchange Program 2025 Edition
The US Department of Energy (DOE) and the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare of Italy (INFN) announce the 2025 edition of the Summer Exchange Program dedicated to promote the exchange of students in science between the two countries.
INFN ( is one of the leading organization worldwide promoting basic scientific research and has tight connections with DOE activities in many areas of interest: Particle Physics, Astroparticle Physics, Nuclear Physics, Theoretical Physics and Detector Physics.
We call for applications of US students willing to join a INFN research team in Italy for a two-month period between June 1st and October 31st, 2025.
There are 11 positions available. Applicants can choose among 16 different INFN sites and 50 research projects.
Grants amount to €6.000,00 to cover travel and living expenses.
To qualify for the fellowship, it is mandatory, that each university student to undertake an insurance policy, at their own expense, covering medical, assistance, accident and illness expenses for the duration of the fellowship.
Eligible candidates must be enrolled as students at a US university and they must have begun, at the time of application, at least the third year of a US University curriculum in physics, engineering or computing science, or planning to start the third year in 2025.
Applications, in electronic form, must be sent to INFN not later than March 7th, 2025 (11.59 pm CET) through the website:
GravityShapePisa 2024: Exploring new sources of Gravitational Waves
The event, GravityShapePisa 2024: Exploring new sources of Gravitational Waves (GraSP24), will take place in Pisa from October 23rd to 25th. This is the second edition of the GraSP conferences series (sponsored by the University of Pisa, the INFN Pisa and the municipality of Pisa), and organised entirely by young researchers.
The registration and call for abstract are now open. We strongly encourage young researchers, PhD students and Post-Docs from diverse backgrounds to participate in this stimulating event and submit their contributions. Everyone will have the opportunity to present their work either by a talk contribution, or through a dedicated poster session.
The main topic of this year’s edition is the phenomenology of gravity and the landscape offered by new sources of gravitational waves. Talks will cover the advancements and prospects in the fields of Astrophysics, Cosmology and Fundamental Physics. If you are interested, you can find further information and contacts at the official event page: GraSP24 Indico.
- The Research Contracts, Scholarships and Collaborations Office has published the notice n. 27181 relating to 5 scholarships as part of the annual "Foreign Visiting Scientists' Fellows" program, for research stays at the INFN research centers and National Laboratories of highly qualified foreign scientists in active service at research institutions abroad . Applications to participate must be received by 11:59:59 pm on January 31, 2025.
- Calls for technologist and technician positions with fixed-term contracts for activities within the PNRR projects of interest to INFN. All notices are available on the Job Opportunities web page.