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DOE-INFN Summer Students Exchange Program 2023
The US Department of Energy (DoE) and the National Institute for Nuclear Physics – Italy (INFN) announce the 2023 edition of the Summer Exchange Program, dedicated to the exchange of US and Italian students in science and engineering. Students are offered the possibility to work on projects which will further their experience in the areas of science and technology that are relevant for their academic training. Research activities in the Rome INFN are pursued in all major INFN areas of interest: Astroparticle Physics, Nuclear Physics, Accelerators Physics, Interdisciplinary Physics and Detector Physics. They can join a team at Rome INFN for approximately 8 weeks between in June-July 2023 or September-October 2023. Rome INFN Summer closing period is in August 2023.
Projects available for the 2023 edition:
- CYGNO experiment
Title: Background studies for the CYGNO experiment with the LIME underground prototype
Description: The CYGNO collaboration works to the development of a gaseous Time Projection Chamber for the detection of dark-matter-induced nuclear recoils and other rare events, to be installed underground at the INFN Gran Sasso Laboratories. In 2022 a 50-liter prototype called LIME was installed underground and started taking data with different configurations of detector shielding. Tests will continue throughout 2023 with the goal of validating the background simulations in view of the development of a 0.4 m3 detector. The student will take part to this program, elaborating data taken with LIME, including the tuning and refinement of reconstruction tools based on Machine Learning approaches, comparing them with simulations of the detector and its response and contributing to the interpretation of the results. The project will also encompass the participation to the data taking activities at Gran Sasso Laboratories.
Activities: Data analysis and simulation. Participation to data taking activities.
Tutor: Davide Pinci
Activity period: September-October
Local Secretariat: Mauro Mancini
- AMS02 experiment
Title: Non-Target Effects induced Galactic Cosmic Rays in Exploratory Space
Missions: Improvements using the AMS detector data Description: Space radiobiology is an interdisciplinary science that examines the biological effects of ionizing radiation on humans involved in aerospace missions. The knowledge of the risk assessment of the health hazard related to human space exploration is crucial to reducing damages induced to astronauts from galactic cosmic rays and sun-generated radiation. Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCRs) have been identified as one of the primary sources of radiation exposure in space. In this context, an accurate characterization of the possible risk of carcinogenesis induced by exposure to GCRs particles is a significant concern for human exploratory space missions. With unprecedented precision and energy range extension, the AMS detector (WebSite: ams02.space) installed on the International Space Station has produced a dataset of the charged components of the cosmic rays measuring its characteristics and its variation in fluxes in 2011-2022. AMS data are used to investigate fundamental physics problems and the damage to human health from exposure to space radiation in exploratory space missions. Activities: (optional) Using the tool developed by the AMS Roma group, using the RStudio IDE, and the Cosmic Ray measurements done by the AMS detector over the last 12 years, the student will participate in the development and tuning of a new dose-effect model for the evaluation of the Health Risk induced by the charged particles components (Protons and heavy Ions) of the space radiation. In particular, the analysis of the so-called Non-Target Effect (NTE) will be the main focus of the study, as well as the design of a new technique for the experimental measurements of such NTE.
Tutors: Alessandro Bartoloni, Aboma Negasa Guracho
Activity period: June-July 2023 or September-October 2023Local Secretariat: Mauro Mancini
LUNA experiment
Title: Detector and target characterization measurements in the underground laboratory
Description: In view of the operation of the new accelerator 3.5 MV LNGS facility at Gran Sasso Laboratory, a complete study of the 14N(p,g)16O cross section study at high energy is foreseen. The grant period will be devoted to a detailed characterization measurements of the 14N solid target in terms of stability, purity and reproducibility through gamma detection using a HpGe detector. Basic software analysis will be developed.
Tutor: Alba Formicola
Activity period: Septmber/October
Local Secretariat: Mauro Mancini
Job opportunities at other INFN locations
Positions and vacancies available at all INFN sites are listed on the job opportunities web page published on the Central Administration website.