sede parlamento Europeo

HBP WaveScalES

The Human Brain Project (HBP) is a 10-year European Flagship project (2014-2023), aiming at a comprehensive understanding of the human brain. To achieve this, the HBP combines excellent neuroscience research with the development of a joint platform for research and brain-inspired technology development (EBRAINS). The HBP is following a unique, multi-disciplinary approach to accelerate brain research, brain medicine and brain-inspired technology. The infrastructure makes available a growing range of data, models, software tools and hardware capabilities to scientists and industry. The HBP draws on the academic prowess of Europe’s leading universities and research institutions, backed by the computing and data-analytics power of four major supercomputing centers in the EU. The HBP also looks at the social and ethical implications of its work; this includes reflection on our understanding of consciousness, animal research, patient anonymity, etc., and engages with the public on these issues. It also runs a comprehensive education program to increase scientists’ and engineers’ ability to work in cross-disciplinary teams.

The “Networks Underlying Cognition and Consciousness” Work Package in the HBP is co-led by the INFN-APELab researcher Pier Stanislao Paolucci. Specifically, the Computational Neuroscience team at INFN-APELab focuses on:

In this framework, people involved in INFN-Roma are: Giulia De Bonis, researcher at INFN-APELab, co-leading the creation of an open-access analysis pipelines supporting the FAIR methodology, to be offered to the research community through the EBRAINS research infrastructure developed by the HBP; Elena Pastorelli, researcher at INFN-APElab, focusing on spiking thalamo-cortical simulations; Francesco Simula, researcher at INFN-APELab, working on the development of efficient techniques for neural simulations on parallel/distributed systems; Cristiano Capone, INFN research fellow, and Chiara De Luca, PhD student, focusing on the theoretical modeling of the brain and approaching it with the methodologies required by such a Physical Complex System.


Thesis Opportunities:

For information regarding thesis opportunities, please contact: Pier Stanislao Paolucci and Giulia De Bonis and/or visit the webpage: APELab-JoinUs.


Pier Stanislao Paolucci

People   ▽

Name Surname
Cristiano Capone
Giulia De Bonis
Chiara De Luca
Pier Stanislao Paolucci
Elena Pastorelli
Francesco Simula