ams02 sulla stazione spaziale


AMS02 (Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer) is particle detector installed from May 2011 on the International Space station (ISS) and will continue to operate throughout the lifetime of the ISS (2028). Since the installation, the AMS02 collected more than 166 billions cosmic rays' events and the AMS collaboration produced new measurements of unprecedented precision of charged particle fluxes that compose the Cosmic rays up to high Z nuclei. The physics goals are the study of CR properties, indirect search of Dark Matter and direct search of primordial antimatter.

The INFN Roma and the Sapienza university joined the AMS collaboration in 2001 and the Roma group has taken part to the construction of one of the instruments that compose AMS02, the Transition Radiation Detector. Now is participating to the data taking operations at CERN as well as to the data analysis.

From 2017 the Roma group has started to investigate the possible use of AMS02 data for research in life sciences in space. To address such problems a research collaboration on SPace RadioBiology (SPRB) is active since the 2017 between the INFN Roma-Sapienza AMS group and the Medical Physics Department of Policlinico S.Orsola in Bologna (Italy)


Thesis Opportunities:

For information regarding thesis opportunities, please contact: Alessandro Bartoloni.

The following thesis are available:

Local Coordinator

Alessandro Bartoloni

People    ▽

Name Surname Role Position
Alessandro Bartoloni Dipendente Primo Tecnologo
Bruno Borgia Associato Professore Ordinario
Giuseppe Della Gala Associato Specializzando
Aboma Negasa Guracho Associato Assegnista
Giulia Paolani Associata Specializzanda
Miriam Santoro Associata Specializzanda
Lidia Strigari Associata Direttore struttura complessa
Silvia Strolin Associata Dirigente Fisico
Vincenzo Valente Associato Dirigente di Ricerca