scrivania con calcolatrice

Missions Office

INFN Rome Division
P.le Aldo Moro, 2
00185 Roma
0649914272 –

How to request a mission   ▽

The request for permission to carry out the mission must be entered on INFN portal.
At the time of the first mission, send an email to communicating:

  1. Full name
  2. Residence or fiscal domicile
  3. IBAN
  4. Italian Tax Code (Codice Fiscale)
When requesting an authorisation for a mission, the staff may opt for one of the permitted types of reimbursement.

Type of reimbursement Missions in Italy Missions abroad
Expense account YES NO
Mixed (meals with alternative reimbursement and travel and accommodation with expense account) YES YES
Alternative reimbursement NO YES

It is not possible to use more than one type of reimbursement within the same trip.
It is possible to change the type during reimbursement.
It is possible to open missions paid by another INFN office by selecting the Paying Structure in the drop-down menu “to be paid by the Office”. Missions that do not include expenses charged to the INFN must be entered by selecting experiment ON THIRD-PARTY BEHALF.
Transport tickets can be purchased through affiliated agencies (Cisalpina and Trenitalia), or directly by the employee. In the latter case, it is not possible to refund any agency fees.
Airline tickets, hotels, sea tickets, rental vehicles or visas can be requested from the Cisalpina agency through the INFN portal. The Agreements stipulated at national level allow you to obtain more advantageous conditions and company bonuses.
Train tickets can be purchased directly on the Trenitalia website. By connecting with the INFN credentials, the rates appear discounted by 5 and 10%.
It is not possible to cancel mission requests from the portal. Cancellations should be reported to the Missions Office, by email.
At the end of the trip, you must enter the request for reimbursement on the portal and deliver promptly to the Administration the documents necessary for any activity in this regard.

Mission Regulations   ▽

Emergency Period Mission Statements   ▽

As of today, 24 May 2021, pursuant to Article 3 of the Ordinance of 14 May 2021, anyone entering Italy, for any length of time and by any means of transport, from foreign States or territories listed in Lists B, C, D and E of Annex 20 of the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 2 March 2021, is required to complete a Digital Locator Form, also known as a Digital Passenger Locator Form (dPLF) prior to entering Italy.
To fill in the dPLF it is necessary to: connect to the website and follow the procedure to access the dPLF; select Italy as the country of destination; register on the site by creating a personal account with Username and password (it is necessary to do this only the first time); fill in and send the dPLF following the instructions provided. Once the form has been submitted, the dPLF in pdf and QRcode format will be sent to the e-mail address provided during registration, which must be shown in case of boarding.
The digital form replaces the declaration referred to in Art. 50, paragraph 1, of the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 2 March 2021. For detailed information on the mandatory completion of the Passenger Locator Forms, please refer to the Ministry of Health website:

Useful links   ▽

Contact people

Luca Bonaccorsi
Roberta Soldatelli