Occupational Medicine and Protection against Radiation

Occupational Medicine and Protection against Radiation

Health Surveillance   ▽

In compliance with the requirements set forth by Legislative Decree 81/08, and by Legislative Decree 101/2020, and to allow the effective protection of workers’ health, the OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE AND RADIOPROTECTION SERVICE must have always up-to-date documents on the activities carried out by all personnel. For this reason, employees and associates are required to complete the following forms at the beginning of their work activities and whenever there are changes thereto, which could introduce risks of a different type other than those considered above:

  • Job Destination Card. Note that at point A.12 of the sheet concerning the possibility of exposure to ionising radiation, you must answer either “YES” or “NO” and the link to the radiation protection sheet has been removed. If you answer Yes, you will have the following options:
    • 1) if you have not been previously classified as an exposed subject, you must fill out and sign the new radiation protection form;
    • 2) if you are already classified as an exposed subject, but you are about to make changes to your activity, you will need to complete the Radiation Protection Update Sheet.
    • 3) if the subject does perform activities with risk of exposure to ionising radiation, he/she will only have to fill in the form for non-exposed subjects..
  • Radiation Protection Sheet
  • Radiation Protection Update Sheet
  • • Sheet for Persons not Exposed to Ionising Radiation.

All forms, duly signed by the Worker and his/her Manager, shall be delivered to the appropriate office BEFORE the Worker is assigned to the activities.

It is important to remember that the sheets need to be replaced any time a change to work activities or the employment contract occur.

Radiation Protection   ▽

Pursuant to Art. 112, paragraph 1, letter m) of Legislative Decree 101/2020, we are providing information on classified areas and risks arising from exposure to ionising radiation existing therein, which is applicable to workers assigned thereto; the information also concerns prevention, protection and emergency measures to be adopted in relation to the activity to be performed.

Statutory References   ▽

Occupational Medicine and Radiation Protection: Statutory Requirements

Requirements of Employer and Supervisor (Art. 18 - Legislative Decree 81/08)

1. an employer who conducts the activities referred to in Article 3, and the supervisors [...] must:

a) appoint the competent doctor to conduct health surveillance in the cases provided for by this Legislative Decree. [...]

c) in assigning tasks to workers, take into account their abilities and conditions, as it pertains to their health and safety; [...]

f) require compliance with current regulations by individual workers, as well as with the company’s provisions on safety and hygiene at work and the use of collective and individual protection devices made available to them;

g) request workers to submit to a medical evaluation within the deadlines provided for in the health surveillance programme, and require the competent doctor to comply with the requirements upon him, as provided for in this Legislative Decree; [...]

z) update the prevention measures in relation to organisational and production changes that are relevant to occupational health and safety, or in relation to the degree of evolution of prevention and protection techniques; [...]

bb) ensure that workers who are required to undergo health surveillance are not assigned to the specific task without the completion of required fitness assessment.

Requirements of Workers (Art. 20 - Legislative Decree 81/08)

1. Each worker shall take care of his/her own health and safety and the health and safety of other persons present at the workplace, who may be affected by his/her actions or omissions, in accordance with his/her training and the instructions and means provided by the employer.

2. In particular, workers must:

a) contribute, together with employer, managers and supervisors, to the fulfilment of the requirements provided for to protect health and safety at the workplace;

b) comply with the provisions and instructions provided by employer, managers and supervisors, for the purposes of collective and individual protection;[...]

i) undergo the health checks provided for by this Legislative Decree or, in any case, ordered by the competent doctor.


Employer: Dr. Aleandro Nisati (Director),
Competent and Licensed Physician: Dr. Giuseppe Ronga,
Radiation Protection Expert (ionising radiation): Dr. Lidia Strigari

Contact Person

Mauro Mancini